Greentrac Office gewinnt Consensus GreenTech Award

von | Dez. 15, 2009 | News

Greentrac Office ist einer der Gewinner der Consensus GreenTech Awards

Die Consensus GreenTech Awards sind eine Auszeichnung für australische und neuseeländische Organisationen und Firmen, die einen besonderen Beitrag bei der Entwicklung und Kommerzialisierung von umweltfreundlichen „grünen“ Technologien geleistet haben.

Weitere Informationen auf der Consensus-Webseite

Greentrac Office Beurteilung der Jury:

„A simple, elegant and scalable software system that tracks and reports PC energy consumption and carbon footprint. PC users and administrators are provided with a view of their PC’s efficiency compared to the rest of the organisation.

Greentrac uses feedback to change people’s behaviour, with real time energy tariff information. This strategy to change people’s behaviour demonstrates a good understanding of how to bring about lasting reductions. The behavioural change aspects therefore support other internal sustainability strategies.

The commercial model is well developed and pricing appears suited to providing rapid ROI. Greentrac has runs on the board with major Australian customers. There is also potential for rapid global rollout as well as application with other office devices such as printers.“